College of Contract Management United Kingdom
College of Contract Management
United Kingdom

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of the Agreement between the College and the Student

  1. Definitions

For the purposes of these TERMS:

1.1 “COLLEGE” means College of Contract Management United Kingdom Ltd who will provide the course to the candidate.

1.2 “STUDENT” means the candidate who enrols on the COURSE or COURSEs of the COLLEGE.

1.3 “COURSE” means Live Online Course, Face to Face COURSE or Distance Learning COURSE.

1.4 “COURSE MATERIALS” means electronic copies of materials relating to the COURSE which are offered by the COLLEGE distributed through the CCM MOODLE.

1.5 “TERMS” means the Terms and Conditions set out in this document, which apply to our provision and for the STUDENT’s use of the information, services, and materials.

1.6 “PARTIES” means the STUDENT and the COLLEGE.

1.7 “CONTRACT” means the contract between the COLLEGE and the STUDENT for the sale and purchase of the COURSE/S are incorporating these TERMS.

1.8 “COMPLETION OF COURSE” means that once the STUDENT has received their final grade of submitted assignment in the COURSE.

1.9 “CCM MOODLE” is the (LMS) Learning Management System owned by the COLLEGE, operating via

  1. Conditions

2.1 Nothing in these TERMS shall affect the STUDENT’s statutory rights as a Consumer.

2.2 These TERMS shall apply to all contracts for the sale of the COURSE by the COLLEGE to the STUDENT.

2.3 Any variation to these TERMS (including any special terms and conditions agreed by the PARTIES) shall be inapplicable unless agreed in writing by the PARTIES.

2.4 Please read these TERMS carefully which can be found at: By accessing the CCM MOODLE (by whatever means or device) and using the Online Content and COURSES, the STUDENT agrees that he/she has read, understood and agreed to these TERMS and the Privacy Policy. If the STUDENT does not agree to these TERMS when they enrol on the COURSE, he/she must stop applying for the COURSE immediately.

2.5 These TERMS should be read alongside, and are in addition to, our Privacy , Data Protection and Cookies policies (“Privacy Policy”).  Please refer to Clause 15 for further details.

  1. About the COLLEGE

3.1 In these TERMS, references to the COLLEGE is to the College Contract Management, a company incorporated in England and Wales whose registered address is at ‘5 St George’s Yard, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7LW’.   The COLLEGE can be contacted at or on +44 (0)1420 481681.

3.2 The COLLEGE is a leading College for Engineering, Construction, Management, Business, Marketing, IT, Networking, Training, CPD and other COURSES.  As a global organisation, it provides live online and face to face COURSES to students all over the world.

  1. Rights of the COLLEGE

4.1 The COLLEGE reserves the right to adjust the price of any COURSE at any time prior to an enrolment which is being processed.

4.2 The COLLEGE reserves the right to adjust the specification of the COURSE, or any aspect of the COURSE, as per the awarding bodies requirements.

4.3 Should the COLLEGE increase the cost of any COURSE, the STUDENT which is currently enrolled on that COURSE and has paid for their first year will be required to pay for their second year at the amount that is stipulated on the website at the time of the second-year payment. For example: if a STUDENT is paying year by year for a (2) two-year COURSE, when paying for the second year the price will be as per stipulated on website at that time.

4.4 The COLLEGE reserves the right to withdraw a COURSE at any time. Should the COLLEGE withdraw any COURSE after the STUDENT has purchased it, the COLLEGE shall refund to the STUDENT an amount agreed between the COLLEGE and STUDENT, based on the number of modules completed, including lectures, and assessed assignments that COLLEGE has delivered to the STUDENT.

4.5 The COLLEGE shall not be liable for anyone withdrawing from the COURSE or refusing to process an enrolment.

4.6 The COLLEGE reserves the right to appoint a new lecturer/assessor or change the lecturer/assessor or manage the lecturer/assessor at any time during the duration of a COURSE.

4.7 The COLLEGE reserves the right to abide by the decisions taken by the awarding bodies (or their subsidiaries or their partners) in terms of any eligibility to apply for any membership level or license or CSCS cards, etc. The COLLEGE shall inform the STUDENT if any changes are made. The STUDENT shall not be entitled to claim any compensation or refund against the COLLEGE for any inconvenience or losses caused by the awarding bodies’ (or their subsidiaries’ or their partners’) decision which is beyond the COLLEGE’s control.

4.8 The COLLEGE reserves the right to accept or refuse a STUDENT’s application for the enrolment to any COURSE.

4.9 The COLLEGE reserves the right to refuse the STUDENT’s application for the enrolment to any COURSE due to partial payment made prior to approval of the COLLEGE and essential documents not being submitted to prove the requested entry requirements.

4.10 The COLLEGE reserves the right to suspend the STUDENT’s entitlement to follow the COURSE if they fail to pay the agreed monthly direct debit within (4) four days from the due date in which their direct debit is scheduled to be taken. This also applies to those STUDENT’s who are paying via annual payment plan.

4.11 If a STUDENT’s application for the enrolment of the COURSE is not accepted by the COLLEGE, any payment made by the STUDENT shall be returned in full.

4.12 The STUDENT’s enrolment will be valid for the period of (3) three years continuously from the date of first payment made, if the duration of the COURSE is a year or less. The STUDENT’s enrolment will be valid for a period of (5) five years continuously from the date of first payment made if the COURSE duration is (2) two years or less, but more than a year.

4.13 In accordance with clause 4.12, the COLLEGE reserves the right to invalidate the STUDENT’s enrolment if the STUDENT does not complete the COURSE in the time period mentioned.

4.14 If the STUDENT fails to complete the COURSE within the time period mentioned in clause 4.12, the STUDENT will be required to pay the entire COURSE fee again.

4.15 The COLLEGE reserves the right to suspend the STUDENT from the COURSE, if the COLLEGE is unable to contact the STUDENT in accordance with clauses 11.4 to11.6, below.  The STUDENT may resume the COURSE on the condition that it is completed within the time period state in clause 4.12.

4.16 The STUDENT can defer the COURSE at any time, on the condition that it is completed within the time frame stated within clause 4.12.  If the STUDENT fails to resume within this time period, they will be required to pay the entire COURSE fee again in order to continue.

4.17 The COLLEGE reserves the right to suspend a STUDENT who is considered to have breached the TERMS above.

  1. Use of the  COLLEGE’s Website (including Learning Management System (LMS) – CCM MOODLE) 

5.1 The STUDENT’s use and access to the COLLEGE’s Website, CCM MOODLE, the Online Content and COURSE is subject to the following conditions (“Acceptable Use Conditions”), and the STUDENT agrees that failure to comply with any one of the Acceptable Use Conditions will be in breach of these TERMS:

  1. The STUDENT agrees to use the Website and access the Online Content and COURSE’s only for lawful purposes and in no way that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effect;
  2. The STUDENT agrees not to use the Website or access the Online Content and COURSE’s for the purposes of harming or attempting to harm minors in any way;
  3. The STUDENT agrees not to distribute all or any part of the COLLEGE’s Website and/or Online Content and/or COURSE’s in any medium.
  4. The STUDENT agrees not to (and not to attempt to) circumvent, disable or otherwise interfere with any security-related features of the Website or features that (i) prevent or restrict use or copying of content or (ii) enforce limitations on us, the use of the Website or access to the Online Content and COURSE’s;
  5. The STUDENT agrees not to knowingly transmit any data or send or submit any content that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time-bombs, key-stroke loggers, spyware, adware or any other harmful programs or similar computer code designed to adversely affect the operation of any computer software or hardware;
  6. The STUDENT agrees to use the Website and access the Online Content and COURSE’s in a way which does not infringe the rights of anyone else or restrict or prevent anyone else’s use and enjoyment of the Website, Online Content and COURSE’s.
  7. The STUDENT agrees not to post, upload, email, transmit or otherwise distribute chain letters, surveys or studies, calls to action, junk mail, pyramid schemes, incentives (monetary or click-based), spimming or spamming, or bulk communications of any kind, whether or not for commercial or non-commercial purposes;
  8. The STUDENT agrees not to access or attempt to access any other STUDENT‘s account or falsely state, impersonate, or otherwise misrepresent a STUDENT’s identity, including but not limited to the use of a pseudonym or misrepresenting any affiliation with a person or entity, past or present.
  9. The STUDENT agrees not to share email ID or password of their CCM MOODLE account to anyone. The COLLEGE shall monitor upon login the STUDENTs activity report as well as geographical location and activity.
  1. The STUDENT agrees not to share live lecture invitations or invite any other individuals to join the live lectures.


  1. Price and Payment

6.1 The price of the COURSE shall be in accordance with the information stipulated on the COLLEGE’s website at


  1. The COURSE fee includes Online Lectures, COURSE MATERIALS, Assignments, Marking and the relevant certification.
  2. The COURSE fee excludes buying any suggested books, software license, reference books or printing any course material required by the STUDENT.

6.3 The full COURSE fee can be paid via bank transfer (BACS), online or by cheque. Monthly direct debit payments can only be made by credit/direct debit cards via the COLLEGEs payment merchant ‘Stripe’.

6.4 The COLLEGE provides payment plans for the majority of the COURSES. The COLLEGE has three payment options which include full payment, annual payment and monthly direct debit.

6.5 Upon receiving the full, annual or first monthly direct debit, the COLLEGE shall confirm by email the acknowledgment of payment and enrolment.

6.6 Where a STUDENT has been approved by the COLLEGE to pay by monthly direct debit, payment will be processed online via credit or debit card. The first payment and upfront fee must be made in full before the COURSE is made available to the STUDENT. After that, the STUDENT must make each of the following monthly payments by the due date. Should any of the subsequent payments not be made, the STUDENT has (4) four days before they are suspended from the COURSE and will not be able to access any COURSE Materials, live lectures, CCM MOODLE, results of assignments, or contact to the lecturer/assessor. Should the STUDENT’s payment not be received within (4) four days from the due date, then the STUDENT will be in breach of contract and the full amount owing for the COURSE will become due for immediate payment.

6.7 If the STUDENT decides to discontinue their course, they will not be entitled to a refund for any payments already made.

6.8 Once the STUDENT has confirmed their payment method, whether that is via full, annual or monthly direct debit, they are unable to change the option once their first payment has been taken.

6.9 If a company is paying on behalf of a STUDENT – If the STUDENT is terminated/leaves the company then the company are to advise the COLLEGE to suspend the STUDENT with their consent.

6.10 When a STUDENT has been suspended, should they wish to resume the course then they will need to pay a penalty of £140.00(One hundred and forty pounds).

  1. Online Lectures

7.1 All online lectures will be scheduled by the COLLEGE and delivered as per the schedule. The COLLEGE shall reserve the right to schedule the online lectures on weekday, evening and/or weekends and the timings of all online lectures will be delivered in UK time (BST/GMT).

7.2 The STUDENT has no right to request a change or to reschedule any of the scheduled lectures and the timings.

7.3 The COLLEGE shall not schedule any lectures on UK Banks Holidays are to include the Christmas holiday break.

7.4 When a STUDENT misses any scheduled lecture, the COLLEGE shall not reschedule.

7.5 The COLLEGE reserves the right to cancel/postpone lectures due to any reason beyond their control.

  1. Conditions of Enrolment

8.1 The STUDENT must declare correct and true information on their enrolment including information regarding past their qualifications/experience, CV and details within the enrolment form.

8.2 The STUDENT must provide the necessary Certificates to confirm their qualifications, Proof of ID and a recent colour passport sized photo.

8.3 If a payment is made via the COLLEGE’s website, the COLLEGE will ask for the STUDENT’s enrolment form to be completed prior to enrolment. If the STUDENT refuses to complete an enrolment form, then the COLLEGE reserves the right to cancel their enrolment in accordance with Clause 9.

8.4 The STUDENT must participate in a live online ID verification check. They must have a valid photo ID which is to be issued by the government of country such as passport or driving licence. If ID is not written in English, the STUDENT must provide an English translation from an authorised translator prior to the ID verification check taking place. A penalty fee of £40.00 (Forty pounds) will occur if the STUDENT does not attend their pre-booked ID Verification check.

8.5 Should the STUDENT not pass an online exam or assignment, the COLLEGE shall not take any responsibility or liability for the STUDENT’s performance.

  1. Cancellation

9.1 The STUDENT has statutory rights under the Consumer Protection Regulations which allow the STUDENT fourteen (14) days from the date after which the STUDENT’s first payment was made. The STUDENT must email the COLLEGE at to request cancellation from their email address provided to the COLLEGE in their enrolment form. For the avoidance of doubt, any cancellation request received by telephone will not be accepted and the Cancellation request must be sent by email or recorded mail. After the (14) fourteen days have lapsed, the COLLEGE shall not accept any COURSE cancellation under any circumstances and all fees paid are non-refundable.

9.2 Once the STUDENT has received their log in details of the CCM MOODLE and/or accessed the live online lectures, the STUDENT shall lose their (14) fourteen day right to cancel under Clause 9.1 and no right to cancel will exist.

9.3 If the STUDENT does not wish to lose their (14) fourteen day right to cancel then they will not be granted access to the CCM MOODLE and/or live lectures nor will they receive any emails relating to the COURSE until the (14) fourteen day period has expired.

9.4 If the cancellation is accepted by the COLLEGE, in accordance with clause 9.1, the STUDENT will be charged a ‘Withdrawal Administration’ fee of GBP £75 (Seventy-five pounds). Outstanding fees must be paid in full within (7) seven days of the cancellation request being accepted.

9.5 STUDENT’s will have the same cancellation rights for Face to Face Training programmes until (14) fourteen days prior to the commencement date of the COURSE due to the COLLEGE’s commitment to outside suppliers, such as hotel bookings.  If the STUDENT enrols within these (14) fourteen days, they will lose their (14) fourteen day right to cancel.  If the STUDENT enrols less than (28) twenty eight days prior to the commencement date of the Face to Face Training, the STUDENT’s period to cancel will be reduced in accordance with the amount of days left before the (14) fourteen days period mentioned above commences. For example, if the STUDENT enrols (20) twenty days prior to the commencement of the COURSE, the STUDENT will have a cancellation period of (6) six days.

  1. Delivery 

10.1 The STUDENT must return the Enrolment Form via email within (5) five days from the date full payment is received or from the date payment of the first monthly direct debit has been taken.  The COLLEGE will be unable to process the STUDENT’s application until the Enrolment Form has been received.

10.2 The COLLEGE shall confirm the acceptance or rejection of the STUDENT’s application to the COURSE within (14) fourteen days from the date the STUDENT’s Enrolment Form has been received. The confirmation email shall be sent by the COLLEGE. Should the COLLEGE require further necessary documentation from the STUDENT before making their decision on the application, the COLLEGE will contact the STUDENT within (3) three working days of receiving the Enrolment Form.

10.3 The live Lecture Schedule will normally be issued to the STUDENT no less than (5) five days in advance of the module commencement.

10.4 The lectures shall be delivered in English.

10.5 The STUDENT shall log in to the CCM MOODLE in order to access the COURSE MATERIAL.

10.6 All COURSE MATERIALS shall be made to the STUDENT’s account in the CCM MOODLE and it is the STUDENT’s responsibility to make all necessary arrangements to access the COURSE MATERIAL.

10.7 The video recordings of the live lectures cannot be downloaded due to copyright reasons; however, they can be viewed online via the CCM MOODLE.  The other course materials will be downloadable.

10.8 The COLLEGE shall notify the STUDENT immediately or as soon as possible if there are any changes to the lecture schedule due to any unforeseen circumstances.  The COLLEGE shall reserve the right to appoint an alternative lecturer to take over the lecture/COURSE if the Lecturer’s absence continues and to reschedule any lecture if it has been postponed.

10.9 Attendance of live Online Lectures is not mandatory for the STUDENT. However, the STUDENT is required to pass the online exam or the Assignments. The COLLEGE shall not take any responsibility for the STUDENT’s performance in any exams or assignments.

10.10 Upon the completion of the course certificates will be delivered by courier to STUDENTS based outside of the UK. This will be an additional cost of £64.00 inc VAT, which will be payable through the exam portal. This fee is not included within the course fees.

Certificates will not be processed until payment has been made through the portal.

10.11 For STUDENTS based within the UK, you will have the option to opt for free delivery by Royal Mail or to pay the additional to have delivery via a courier service.

  1. Lecturer, Tutor & COURSE Administrator

11.1 The COLLEGE shall appoint a Lecturer for subjects prior to the commencement of each module.

11.2 The COLLEGE shall appoint a COURSE Administrator to assist the STUDENT with COURSE supportenquiries, technical difficulties and submission deadlines.

11.3 The COLLEGE shall keep in contact with the STUDENT via email or other online communication (or by phone if agreed). The STUDENT shall keep in touch with the COLLEGE via the same means.

11.4 If the STUDENT does not reply to communication received from the COLLEGE for a period of (2) two weeks , the COURSE Administrator will send a notice via email to inform the STUDENT that if no response is received within the next (4) four weeks the COLLEGE  shall consider that the STUDENT no longer wishes to complete the COURSE. The STUDENT then may be suspended from the COURSE.

11.5 If the STUDENT is suspended from the COURSE, then the STUDENT can resume their COURSE at any time, on the condition that it is completed within (3) three or (5) five years (in accordance with clause 4.12) from the date of the enrolment to the COURSE and the penalty fee of £140.00 (One hundred and forty pounds) has been paid.  If the STUDENT fails to resume within this time period, they will be required to pay the entire COURSE fee again in order to continue.  For the avoidance of doubt, the STUDENT may only be suspended from their COURSE once and the COLLEGE reserves the right to terminate the STUDENT from the COURSE should a second suspension be necessary.

11.6 If the termination is undertaken by the COLLEGE in accordance with clause 11.5, the STUDENT shall not be entitled to obtain any payment or refund from the COLLEGE or make any claim against the COLLEGE.

  1. Internet Connection and Charges

12.1 If the STUDENT has no computer and/or landline/Wifi Internet facilities, the STUDENT should inform the COLLEGE before registration to the COURSE, as most COURSE’s are delivered via Live Online.

12.2 The STUDENT will require a high-quality Landline or Wifi Internet connection to access the COURSE.  Access to the CCM MOODLE via Mobile Phone will not be acceptable.

12.3 The STUDENT must check that their computer or other device, particularly if it belongs to their Employer, is not encrypted.

12.3 All charges related to Internet connections, application, moving home, relocation, power, computer and all software and services shall be the responsibility of the STUDENT.

  1. Assignments and Tutorials

13.1 STUDENT’s must submit their Assignment and/or Tutorials in accordance with the COLLEGES deadlines.

13.2 STUDENT’s can apply for extensions on their Assignment and/or Tutorial submission deadlines, but any extension request must be made before the deadline to the COURSE administrator via email only. STUDENTS will be required to provide their reason(s) for the extension, and they may be required to provide evidence in support.  If the STUDENT submits their Assignment and/or Tutorial after the deadline, without being granted an extension, the STUDENT will only be able to achieve a ‘pass’ grade regardless of their marks.

13.3 When a STUDENT is granted an extension, this does not affect future Assignment/Tutorial deadlines.

13.4 Extensions must be given officially by the COURSE Administrator.

13.5 Assignments/tutorials should be completed in the template issued by the COURSE administrator. If the STUDENT refuses to use this then the assignment needs to include the STUDENT’s full name, course title and module title.

13.6 STUDENT’s will receive provisional result which can be amended due to human errors or changes in accordance with any appeal policies.

13.7 Assignment marking will be finalised when the COLLEGE issues the STUDENTS academic transcript.

13.8 The COLLEGE reserves the right to invalidate assignment work of any STUDENT if the COLLEGE finds any form of plagiarism in accordance with the malpractice policy of the COLLEGE.

  1. Contacts or Notice

14.1 The COLLEGE shall maintain all contact via the STUDENT’s email address which is provided within the COURSE Enrolment Form.

14.2 The STUDENTS must provide a primary email address, telephone numbers including mobile number, and their full postal address in their enrolment form.

14.3 If the COLLEGE server rejects any email address provided by the STUDENT due to the provider of email address, the COLLEGE will require a secondary email address.

14.3 STUDENT’s must inform the COLLEGE within (3) three days if there are any changes to the contact details stated in Clause 14.2.

14.4 It is the STUDENT’s obligation to inform the COLLEGE of any changes in their contact details.  The COLLEGE shall accept no responsibility if they are unable to contact the STUDENT if the STUDENT has failed to provide their updated contact details.

14.5 The COLLEGE can only communicate with a STUDENT directly enrolled with the COLLEGE and the COLLEGE cannot communicate with any third party unless a third-party sponsorship form has been completed.

14.6 STUDENTS must communicate with the COLLEGE via the primary email address stated in the STUDENTS enrolment form only and vies versa.

  1. Data Protection

15.1 The COLLEGE fully complies with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).  Please refer to the following link for further information:

15.2 This privacy statement applies to any personal data that the STUDENT supplies to the COLLEGE.

15.3 The COLLEGE shall not issue any personal data of any STUDENT to any third party for marketing purposes or any other purpose unless the STUDENT has given their written consent.

15.4 The COLLEGE will store all personal data that the STUDENT supplies to the COLLEGE when the STUDENT begins their COURSE.

15.5 The personal information which the COLLEGE holds are held securely and in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

  1. Indemnity and Limitation of Liability

16.1 Except as may be implied by law where the STUDENT is dealing as a Consumer, in the event of any breach of these TERMS by the COLLEGE, the remedies of the STUDENT shall be limited to damages which shall in no circumstances exceed the price of the COURSE. The COLLEGE shall under no circumstances be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage whatsoever.

16.2 Nothing in these TERMS shall exclude or limit the liability of the COLLEGE for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of the COLLEGE or that of the COLLEGE’s agents or employees.

16.3 The STUDENT agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the COLLEGE, their successors and assigns, and each of their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all liability, damages, losses, claims (including reasonable legal fees) resulting in any way from the STUDENT’s use of or interpretation of the COURSE and from any material posted on the COURSE website, to  discussion groups or from any other matter relating to the COURSE, including but not limited to use of the information contained in the COURSE.

  1. Behaviour of the STUDENT

17.1 The COLLEGE shall not accept any inappropriate behaviour directed at any member of staff or fellow students under any circumstances. This includes harsh words, bad language, sexual harassment, hate words, race/ethnic/religious discriminations and/or threats via any form.

17.2 The COLLEGE reserves the right to remove a STUDENT from their COURSE immediately if their behaviour is deemed unacceptable in accordance with clause 17.1. The STUDENT shall not reserve the right to obtain any payment or refund or make any claim against the COLLEGE.  Payment for any outstanding fees will be required in full.

  1. Force Majeure

18.1 The COLLEGE shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes, pandemic lockdowns, travel restrictions, lockouts, accidents, war, fire, breakdown of plant or machinery or shortage or unavailability of raw materials from a natural source of supply, and the COLLEGE shall be entitled to a reasonable extension to undertake its obligations.

  1. Transferring the COURSE

19.1 The COLLEGE shall not allow a COURSE to be transferred from a STUDENT to a third party.

  1. Copyright, Patents, Trade Marks and Other Intellectual Property Rights

20.1 All of the content contained within the Online Lectures of any COURSE, any COURSE MATERIAL or other documentation contained on the CCM MOODLE or otherwise is the property of the COLLEGE. Any unlawful copying, recording, trading, pirating or unauthorised use of the COURSE and/or COURSE MATERIAL will be construed as a breach of copyright and the COLLEGE reserves the right to make a claim against the STUDENT.

  1. Termination

21.1 Notwithstanding any other provisions contained herein, and without prejudice to any other rights such party serving notice may have, the COLLEGE may forthwith terminate access to the COURSE by written notice to the STUDENT, if the STUDENT commits any breach of these TERMS and fails to remedy such breach within (14) fourteen days of written notification by the COLLEGE.

  1. Third Party Rights

22.1 The STUDENT may not assign or sub-contract any rights or obligations under this contract to a third party unless the COLLEGE agrees in writing.

  1. Changes to TERMS and WEBSITE

23.1 The COLLEGE shall be entitled to alter these TERMS at any time, but this right shall not affect the existing TERMS accepted by the STUDENT at the time of their enrolment to the course. Any updates or amendments will be posted on the COLLEGES website. In addition, the COLLEGE reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue all of the Online Content and Courses with or without notice to the STUDENT. The COLLEGE will not be liable to the STUDENT or any third party for any such modifications, suspension or termination.

  1. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

24.1 These TERMS shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and the PARTIES hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.



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